Thursday 10 March 2016


Economy Iran Investment Monthly

Published at (Feb. 28, 2013)

Banks' Resource Management (n) Improves (vrb) in (prepos.) 2012
A(art) study of(prepos.) historical(adj) statistical data(obj) published(vrb) by the(art) - Central Bank of Iran (CBI)(n) from(prep) 2010-2012 suggests(vrb) that(demos), after (prep) years (n) of (prep) battling(vrb) with mounting(n) loans-to-deposits ratios, the(art) Iranian banking system might have finally(adv) found(v) an(art) applicable(adj) resource management strategy(n) to(prepos) alleviate(vrb) the(art) inflated ratio(n). According to this(demos) study, in(prepos) 2010 the(art) ratio(n) in(prepos) question(n) had reached(vrb)  to(prep) 112%, implying(vrb) that(demos) the(art) value(n) of(prepos) loans(n) issued(vrb) by(prepos) banks(n) in(prepos) that(pn) year(n) was(vrb) approximately(adv) 1.12 times more than what their(poss) deposit reserves permitted(vrb). But(conj) in(prepos) the(art) two years that(demos) followed(vrb) , this(demos) ratio(n) dropped(vrb) down to(prepos.) 110% and(conj) 100% respectively(adv). The(art) ideal figure (n) would be(adj) 80%.

Part of(prepos.) this(demos)  accomplishment results(n) from(prepos) the(art) CBI's new policy(n) that(demos) restricts(vrb) the(art) CBI(n) from(prepos) granting(vrb) further(adv) credit lines(n) to other banks(n) in(prepos) what(pn)  the(art)  head of the CBI(n) calls(vrb) "excess credit"(n) . Previously(adv), these(det) other banks(n) would compensate(vrb) the(art) shortages resulting(vrb) from(preos) loans-to-deposits imbalances(n) through(prepos) excess borrowings from(prep) the(art) Central Bank(n). This(demos) not only added(vrb) further(adv) liabilities(n) to(prep) the(art) Central Bank's balance sheet (n), but (conj) also fueled(vrb) Iran's liquidity(adj) problem(n) further(adv).
According to(prepos) the(art) CBI(n), the(art) new policy(n) is(vrb) not just limited(adj) to(prepos) the(art) credit lines(n) between(prepos) the(art) CBI(n) and(conj) other banks(n); it(nomi) even requires(vrb) the(art) banks(n) to(prepos) limit(vrb) or(conj) fully(adv) suspend(vrb) their(poss) lines of(prep) credit(n) to(prepos) customers(n) until(prepos) their(poss) accounts(n) are balanced(vrb). In addition(conj) ,banks(n) are obliged(vrb) to(prepos) recollect(vrb) all of(prepos) their(poss) receivables outstanding (adj) within(prepos) a(art) reasonable(adj) period of time(n).

Mahmood Bahmani(n), the head of the CBI(n) , claims(vrb) that(demos) his monetary(adj) organization(n) is satisfied(vrb) with(prepos) the(art) outcome of(prepos) this(demos) approach so far. Based on the(art) published report(n) , the amount of bank's debt(n) to(prepos) the(art) Central Bank(n) has declined(vrb) by(prepos) IRR 108 trillion(n) since(prepos) August 2012. It(pn) is anticipated(adv) that(demos) persisting(vrb) with(prepos) this(demos) policy(n) will reduce(vrb) the(art) point-to-point indication rate(n) and liquidity over time(n). However(conj) , government authorities(n) believe(vrb) that the(art) positive(adj) changes(vrb) in(prepos) bank's loan(n) to(prepos) deposit ratios(n) will not impact(vrb) the county's liquidity in(prepos) the short term  (adj).

Iran's(n) Liquidity Woes(vrb) Continue

Monthly(adv) statistical assessments (n) conducted(vrb) by(prepos) the(art) Central Bank of Iran (CBI) (n) for(prepos) November 2012 continue to(prepos) show increases(vrb) in(prepos) liquidity levels in(prepos) Iran's(n) economy. From a(art) monthly(adv) point-to-point perspective, the(art) CBI (n) assessment sees(vrb) a(art) 2.2% jump(vrb) in(prepos) November 2012's cash levels compared(vrbs) to(prepos) the(art) preceding(vrb) month. This(pn) implies(vrb) an(art) IRR 90 trillion increase in(prepos) liquidity since October(adv) , and(conj) an(art) IRR 720 trillion(n) growth since April 2012(adv) . In other words, during November 2012, this(pn) monetary variable(n) grew(vrb) by IRR 12.5 billion in(prepos) each hour and(conj) IRR 3 trillion in(prepos) each(det) day. By the(art) end of(prepos) November, total liquidity had approximately(adv) climbed(vrb) to(prepos) IRR 4,240 trillion.

One of(prepos) the(art) most(adv) important(adj) factors that(det) triggered(vrb) Iran's(n) liquidity problem is the(art) significant amounts of(prepos) borrowing(Vrb) from the(art) CBI(n) by other banks, as(conj) discussed(Vrb) earlier in(prepos) Economy Overview(n). The(art) banking system in(prepos) Iran(n) has constantly(Adv) been under(prepos) pressure(vrb) from(prepos) the(art) government(n) to loan out large(adj) sums of(prepos) money to industries in(Prepos) order to promote(vrb) production and(Conj) development in(Prepos) the(Art) country(n). The(Art) amount of(prepos) these(pn) loans often exceeded(vrb) the(Art) banks' reserves, and(Conj) banks(n) would in turn borrow(Vrb) the(Art) shortage(adj) from the(Art) CBI(n). The(Art) CBI(n) itself(pn) was also under pressure from the(Art) authorities to credit(Vrb) these(pn) banks(n) in(Prepos) order to support(Vrb) the(Art) government's(n) plans to promote(Vrb) domestic(adj) production(n).

In addition(Conj), the(Art) introduction of(n) the(Art) subsidy reform program, and(Conj) the(Art) monthly(Adv) cash handouts to Iranian citizens(n) as(Conj) a(Art) substitute for eliminating(Vrb) food and(Conj) energy subsidies, has also impacted(Vrb) liquidity levels in(Prepos) the(Art) country(n). The(Art) Iranian government(n) has encountered(past-participle) many(Det) difficulties in(Prepos) making(Vrb) these(pn) payments, mainly(adv) due to an(Art) unprecedented(Vrb) cash crunch resulting from the(Art) drop(Vrb) in(Prepos) its(pn) oil sales and(Conj) challenges(Vrb) in(Prepos) repatriating(Vrb) oil money. Therefore(Conj), a(Art) substantial portion of(prepos) these(pn) payments were generated(simple-past) through(prepos) hefty borrowings from the(Art) Central Bank(n). The(Art) persistence of the(Art) banking debt(n) , the(Art) government's(n) budgetary woes, its(Pn) diminishing(Vrb) foreign reserves and(Conj) the(Art) devaluation of(n) the(Art) Rial, as well as(Conj) the(Art) government's(n) mounting debt to the CBI(n) for making these(pn) subsidy payments, have all worsen Iran's(n) liquidity position in(Prepos) the(Art) past few years(Adv).

However(conj), the(art)CBI(n) claims that it(pn) has taken some(det) actions to(prepos) control the(art) current situation(adj). According to the(art)  latest(adv) statistical(adj) report(n) by the(art)  CBI(n), for the(art)  first time since August(adv) 2012 the(art)  monthly(adv) growth of liquidity in(prepos) November(n) was less than the(art)  preceding month(n). As shown in the(art)  figure below, in November(n) 2012 cash levels grew(vrb) only 2.2%, whereas September and October(n) 2012 experienced(vrb) some(det) of the(art) highest(adv) increases(vrb) in this monetary(adv) variable since April 2012(adv) , by jumping (vrb)2.7% and(conj) 3.1% respectively(adv). Additionally(conj), the(art)  8- month growth rate of cash levels stood substantially(adv) lower(adv) than the(art) 7-month data(n) .
Analysts argue that these(pn)developments are largely(adv) ascribed to the(art) stricter liquidity(adv) regulations imposed(vrb) by the(art)  Central Bank(n) since June 2012(adv). The(art)  new regulation has introduced(vrb) new policies such as restricting the CBI's(n) line of credit to other banks and(conj) issuing(vrb) IRR 100 trillion worth of one- year bonds that(det) offer a(art) yield of 20%. The(art)  former prohibits excess credit payouts to other banks and(conj) mandates these (pn) banks(n) to develop a(art) sound resource management policy. In other words (conj), banks are expected to(prepos) balance their accounts by(prepos) collecting(vrb) all receivables outstanding, instead of (prepos)borrowing from the CBI(n). The(art) bond policy has also been successfully(adv) launched under(prepos) two phases in September(n) and(conj) November(n).

Nevertheless, (conj),  these (pn)developments have not stopped economists from(prepos) expressing(vrb) their(det) concerns(vrb) about the(art) current cash levels in(prepos) Iran's(n) economy, and the(art)  CBI's(n) inefficient(adj) strategies to control(vrb) this monetary variable. As shown in the(art) bar chart below(prepos), the(art)  8-month point-to-point cash levels in November 2012(n) stood higher(adv) than any(det) other value recorded for this(pn) month in (prepos)the(art) past four years(adv). November(n) 2012's cash level growth was also the(art)  fourth highest monthly jump(adv) for this(pn) variable since(conj) Mahmood Ahmadinejad's presidency(n) commenced(vrb) in(prepos) 2005.

According to some(det) economists(n), the(art)  bond policy mentioned earlier(adv) can also be criticized for returning relatively(adv) high yields (20%) over(adv) a relatively(adv) short period of time (one year). In addition(conjunctions), some(det) experts(n) argue that(det) this(pn) course of action only alleviates the(art) problem in the short-term(adv). When(pn) the (art)CBI(n) pays out the(art) bonds' returns(vrb) next year(adv), IRR 120 trillion will be injected(vrb) back in(prepos) to the(art) market, and the(art) economy(n) will be driven back to the(art) current  status quo.

Iran(n) to Change(inf.) its(pn) Price Base Year

Iran(n) is planning(vrb) to change(inf.) the(art.) base year used to(prepos.) compute(vrb) its(pn) inflation rate(obj). The(art) current base year is 2004, but(conj.) the CBI has announced(past-participle) that from(prepos.) March 2013, the base year will move(fut.tense) to(prepos) the year 2011. This(det.) would be(adj) the eighth time that(det.) the CBI has revised(vrb) the base year for(prepos.) calculating the indication rate since(conj.) 1936. The other points in(prepos.) history(n) where such a revision have been made(past-participle) were in 1959, 1969, 1974, 1982, 1990, 1997, and finally 2004.

The reason behind these(det.) changes(vrb) are the use of Laspeyres index(sbj) in computing(vrb) Iran's inflation rate(obj). As commonly(adv) accepted by(prepos.) economists, the Laspeyres index tends to overstate(inf.) the(art.) inflation rate. This is because(conj) the index does not account for(prepos.) the fact that(det.) consumers(n) react(vrb) to(prepos.) price(n) changes by adjusting the quantities they(pn) purchase(vrb).

In addition(conj.), as markets(n) grow(vrb) and(conj) reach out to(prepos.) a(art.) larger(adv) group of consumers(n) , the range of goods and services(n) that(det.) are available and consumed by(prepo.) an(art.) average(adv) household(n) , changes as well. For example(conj.) , the CBI states(vrb) that(det.) in(prepos.) the 2004 base year, the number of goods and services included(vrb) in(prepos.) Iranians(n)' basket of goods was 359, but(conj.) in(prepos) the 1997 base year, this(pn) number(n) was(vrb) 310. With this in mind, it(pn) is(n) important that the basket of goods for Iranian households(n) should be(adj) revised(vrb) frequently(adv) and(conj.) at least every 7 years, in order to(prepos.) address this(det.). Otherwise the computations made using this(det.) index(n) will be misleading(vrb) .

By(prepo.) changing(vrb) the base year(n) to(prepo.) 2011, the CBI aims(vrb) to reduce(vrb) the current inflation level by(prepo.) 2%. Readjusting(vrb) inflation(n) by changing the base year has been attempted(past-participle) in(prepos.) Iran before. In 2006, the CBI computed(vrb) the inflation rate(n) in two phases. Firstly(conj,), it(pn) utilized(vrb) 1997 as the base year, where an(art.) inflation rate of 13.6% was reached(simple past). But(conj.) the same procedure using 2004 as(conj.) the base year came to a(art.) lower(adv) indication rate of 11.9%.

Iran(n), the 19th Largest(adv) Auto Manufacturer in(prepos.) 2012

A recent study by(prepos) the(art.) Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) (n) estimates(vrb) that(det.), in(perpos.) 2012, the number of vehicles(n) manufactured in the country had slipped(vrb) below its(pn) recorded(vrb) amount in 2011. Under the most optimistic(adv) circumstances, the number of vehicles manufactured(vrb) in 2012 is estimated to be approximately(adv) 1,058,850, whereas the official figure for 2011 was 1,648,505 units.

It(pn) is(n) expected(vrb) that(det.) the(art.) production(n) cut in 2012 will downgrade(fut.tense) Iran's position on(prepos.) the 2012 OICA list of the largest(adv) global auto manufacturers. In 2011, Iran's auto manufacturing volume jumped(vrb) 3.1%, a(art.) development that(det.) awarded(vrb) the country(n) the 13th spot on the above mentioned list. While(conj.) the 2012 ranking has not been officially published(vrb) yet, a rough data comparison between(prepos.) Iran's 2012 performance with the data available from(prepos.) other countries(n) indicates(vrb) that(det.) Iran(n) will have the 19th spot in 2012, after(conj.) England, Czech Republic, Turkey, Thailand and Indonesia. Previously(adv.), these(pn) nations(n) stood(vrb) behind Iran(n) on(prepos.) OICA's 2011 ranking.

(1540 words)

n = nouns
pn = pronouns
vrb = verbs
adv = adverbs
adj = adjectives
obj = object
prepos = preposition
conj = conjunction
det = determiners
art = articles
demos = demonstrative
poss = possessive
nomi = nominative
future tense
simple past 

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